Welcome to CGS Onboarding. In this short, self-paced course, you will learn about Community and Government Services, the Government of Nunavut, the Nunavut Agreement, as well as an overview of the Political History of Nunavut.
To get started, click on the name of the course or the image to the right.
Delivery Date: Open Intake
Bienvenue au cours d'intégration de SCG. Dans ce court cours autodidacte, vous apprendrez à connaître les Services communautaires et gouvernementaux, le gouvernement du Nunavut, l'Accord du Nunavut, ainsi qu'un aperçu de l'histoire politique du Nunavut.
Pour commencer, cliquez sur le nom du cours ou sur l'image à droite.
Date de livraison : Ouverture des inscriptions
Welcome to CGS Onboarding. In this short, self-paced course, you will learn about Community and Government Services, the Government of Nunavut, the Nunavut Agreement, as well as an overview of the Political History of Nunavut.
To get started, click on the name of the course or the image to the right.
Delivery Date: Open Intake